If you’re envious of the flexibility that ductless mini-split heat pumps and air conditioners provide, you’re not alone. Many homeowners in Bethany, Oklahoma, wish that their central HVAC systems were capable of selectively heating and cooling individual rooms. Central HVAC establishes a uniform temperature throughout the entire building, and ductless mini-splits meet the unique needs of each resident by creating custom temperatures in different zones. The good news is that HVAC dampers make it possible to streamline central HVAC to perform much the same way. Just like ductless mini-split systems heat or cool single rooms, zoned systems can be used to only heat or cool the rooms that consumers are actively using. Reading on discover how HVAC dampers make this possible.
What HVAC Dampers Are and What They Do
HVAC dampers are installed in the ductwork of central heating and cooling systems. These components divide ductwork into separate service areas or zones. When one area of the home requires heating or cooling, the damper that services this area will open to allow conditioned air to flow in. Once this space reaches the desired temperature, the damper will seal shut and conditioned air will be routed to areas that need it.
The beauty of HVAC dampening systems and the zoned heating and cooling capabilities they create is that they can be installed both during the actual construction of buildings and after it. Thus, if you already have a perfectly functioning central HVAC system in your home, you can still enjoy the increased efficiency and comfort that zoning provides. With dampers installed, you don’t have to spend money to heat or cool spaces that aren’t in use. There’s also no need to compromise on comfort. If you’re always hot when everyone else is cold, dampers can route cooled air to your room without freezing everyone else.
How HVAC Dampers Are Controlled in Zoned Heating and Cooling Systems
In zoned heating and cooling systems, special sensors constantly monitor the temperatures of each room by assessing their thermostat readings. With multiple thermostats throughout the building, these sensors tell HVAC dampers when to open and provide air flow and when to close so that airflow is stopped. More often than not, sensors are found in a central control box. They receive call signals from individual thermostats requesting conditioned air along with closed or satisfied signals from rooms that have reached the desired temperature.
HVAC Dampers Can Also Prevent Excess Air Pressure in Air Ducts
Using dampers to prevent conditioned air from entering rooms that don’t need it is hardly a new concept. For years, homeowners have been closing off HVAC air vents in unoccupied spaces or to simply block off conditioned air that they don’t want. Although this energy-savings strategy boasts a limited amount of short-term effectiveness, the benefits that it provides are far outweighed by the drawbacks.
Closing HVAC air vents results in a rapid and significant build-up of air pressure within HVAC ductwork. This increased pressure causes heating and cooling equipment to work much harder than it normally would. It accelerates wear and tear, increases the likelihood of serious and potentially expensive problems, and diminishes indoor comfort for everyone. Energy bills rise and household carbon footprints invariably grow. Worse still, strain from HVAC air vent closures may in turn cause heating and cooling systems to fail long before their expected lifespans have been reached.
When residential HVAC systems are professionally zoned, these problems don’t occur. Just as there are dampers that are meant for provide or prevent the flow of conditioned air, there are also dampers that release built-up pressure. These are known as bypass dampers. When air pressure nears unacceptable levels, bypass dampers open so that excess air can travel out. This keeps air pressure within HVAC ductwork at consistently moderate levels. It also prevents things like excess wear, decreased system lifespans, and increases in both energy costs and energy use.
How HVAC Dampening Technology Can Benefit You
Having dampers installed in your home is a great way to lower your heating and cooling costs. Rather than heating and cooling your entire home uniformly, you can use a zoned HVAC system to only deliver conditioned air where it’s needed. You’ll enjoy lower energy bills, virtually no energy waste, and customized comfort for everyone. Moreover, given that your HVAC system won’t have to work as hard, you may even find that it lasts longer than you anticipated.
Homeowners in Bethany, Oklahoma, and the surrounding areas can count on TS Heat & Air for fast, friendly HVAC service. We also offer air purification and indoor air quality services, equipment changeouts, and preventative maintenance plans. If you want to know more about having your central HVAC system zoned, get in touch with us today.