Winter is here – Keeping warm in colder weather at home. Planning for a power cut in cold weather.
When winter strikes in certain areas, you might experience a loss of power should a winter storm or ice damage the lines. If that were to occur, you want to be sure you are fully prepared to handle the situation. Here are some tips that can help you prepare for a winter power outage that could help keep you and your family stay safe and warm throughout the duration of the outage.
First and foremost, you must always be sure to have enough food and water for everyone in your household for at least two weeks. An easy way to have food is to stock up on non-perishable items such as canned foods, packaged foods such as tuna, and pasta that can be cooked over the fire or gas stove. Peanut butter, crackers, and other snacks are great as well. You should also have enough water so be sure to purchase plenty of bottled water. You can also fill up some coolers and water bottles you have around the house to be sure everyone will have enough to drink. It is important to always stay hydrated.
Of course, you will need a means of cooking some of these foods. Purchasing a camping or gas-powered smaller stove is a great way to be able to cook some of your foods so you can a warm meal. You can also cook food over a fireplace if you have one in your home.
While it will be easy to see in your home during the day, nighttime will be much different. Especially in the winter when it gets darker much earlier, you will need a solution to light your home. Lanterns, flashlights, and candles are best for this. Always have them on hand and ready to go with plenty of batteries to keep them powered for as long as you might need them.
Staying warm will be important as well, as your HVAC system will be down without power. Purchase a few small heaters that are battery-powered. Kerosene lanterns are also a good solution. Of course be sure to have warm clothes, gloves, hats, and as many blankets as you can find so everyone can bundle up and stay warm. Stock up on wood for the fireplace so you can keep it going.